A message from the Assignor:
As a stern reminder, officials & scorekeepers are considered Independent Contractors, and are subject to city/state/federal laws & policies pertaining to Unlawful Harassment.
Unlawful Harassment:
Harassment that creates a hostile, intimidating, or offensive work environment, and occurs because of an employee's protected status (i.e. race, religion, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition, marital status, age, sex, or sexual orientation), is unlawful.
Sexual Harassment is a form of sex discrimination. It is conduct of a sexual nature that is unwelcome, not asked for, and not returned. Sexual harassment may consist of any form or combination of verbal, non-verbal, visual, or physical conduct. It needs not be explicit, nor even specifically directed at an individual. Such behavior includes, but is not limited to:
Sexually offensive comments, offers, slurs, innuendoes, leering, ogling, posters, cartoons, or drawings; physical contact such as touching, pinching, or brushing against another's body; or demands for sexual favors.
In conclusion, I encourage all officials & scorekeepers to research the legal definitions of Unlawful Harassment as a sincere reminder that when games are officiated before/during/after, that assignment is considered a workplace environment, subject to applicable policies & laws. We are all responsible for our verbiage, actions, gestures, and conduct at all times. Your reputation & legal fees will not do you any favors.
Thank you for your time and indeed this does not apply to the masses, but when our accounts ask us to remind our staff, we professionally oblige.
Please contact us for clarification or further questions.
-Ace 5on5-
Good information... Does belligerent behavior from players fit the expected criteria of unlawful Harrassment somewhat esp. if chronic.
Read and acknowledged as a veter official and Instructor…K. Boss
Read & acknowledged - Lawrence
I read and understand the unlawful harassment policy