Athletic Directors HANDBOOK
About Ace 5on5
Who We Are
A/D REsources

Staffs game officials for O.C.
Private School Leagues:
Basketball & Volleyball
Basketball ● Football
-Tri-Way +DSL-
Basketball & Volleyball
website distinctions
Displays team schedules & officials
assigned by Ace 5on5.
- Ace5on5.games -
Displays Ace 5on5
Policies | Procedures | Protocols

1. A Game Change Form is req'd to:
▸ E-Mails are not accepted.
2. Each sport requires a separate form.
▸ Example: You can't mix BB with VB.
3. Game changes are not official until:
game Add's
& Reschedules

▸ Each sport has eligible add & reschedule days.
▸ Check approved days before agreeing w/your opponent.
▸ A/D's should never contact officials directly re: Add's or Reschedules.

Arbiter Access
▸ A/D's must create an Arbiter account.
▸ Schedules can only be viewed by team & division.
Why are games times earlier?
▸ Arbiter (10-15 mins early) are the designated times we want want our officials to arrive to avoid parking issues during pick-up times on school campuses. League schedules are the official start times.
League Schedule or Arbiter Schedule:
Which is correct?
1. Arbiter represents games requested to have officials.
2. It is the responsibility of both teams to notify Ace 5on5 if a game is incorrect on Arbiter.
3. Officials are compensated in case of a conflict if the A/D does not properly communicate the conflict.
How are A/D's reminded of upcoming games?
▸ Arbiter sends auto-reminders via e-mail 48 hrs before every game. Sometimes those reminders get bundled in the same email trail, however they are individually time-stamped.
When all else fails?
▸ Simply call/email the assignor in advance and ask for help. Our job is to make your job easier. No question is silly!
Schedule differences
Considered the
Master Schedule
-Where the puzzle works-
▸ Google Sheets is published by CALOC who grants viewing access to A/D's.
▸ Google displays CALOC schedules for all teams.
▸ Google should match Arbiter to allow the integrity of game info.
-Where the puzzle falls apart-
When Google doesn't match Arbiter.
Considered the
Assignors Schedule
-Where the puzzle works-
▸ Arbiter is published by the Assignor to staff officials.
▸ After Google schedules are posted, the Assignor mirrors that schedule into Arbiter.
▸ Unlike Google, A/D's can only view Arbiter schedules from their own school, one team at a time.
▸ Game changes are managed by the Assignor before refs are assigned to each game.
-Where the puzzle falls apart-
▸ A/D's are responsible to consistently check that Arbiter matches Google.
▸ Although games appear on Google, there is a transition b/t the assignor executing the changes.
▸ When A/D's make changes, but don't realize conflicts, Arbiter is designed to cleverly decline games w/conflicts.
▸ In summary, Google schedules are tentative until the Assignor approves or declines the request by validating all conflicts are checked and communicated.

▸ Unlike BB & FB, the home team provides a VB official for home games.
▸ Games are typically officiated by faculty, parents, students, etc.
Which sports are optional to use Ace 5on5 officials?
▸ VB is optional.
▸ BB & FB are serviced entirely by Ace 5on5. .
Pro's & Con's of using our VB services:
▸ Ⓟ Less A/D responsibilities.
▸ Ⓟ Certified Officials.
▸ ⓒ Game Fees.
▸ ⓒ Limited Add/Reschedule days.
▸ ⓒ All Ace 5on5 policies are in order.
How do LOCAL VB schedules work?
▸ The LOCAL VB master schedule specifically lists games/schools that request our services.
These games make it to Arbiter!
▸ To avoid confusion, games we dont service, do not make it to Arbiter!